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Be aware of complacency and over confidence with experience 

· Focus on what matter,Leadership,Loss Prevention,Complacency,Over Confidence

While walking in the beautiful countryside in Hertfordshire in 2021, saw a nice spot. I thought - why not talk about my passion and pet topic, Make Complacency History?

This is what passion can do and have fun with what we do. I loved loss prevention. I am sure P&I clubs, H&M underwriters, all others who look at bottom line, dollars and cents love it too.

However, that doesn’t motivate crew to implement loss prevention techniques, safety leadership concepts and enhance risk management. I believed in giving experience feedback so that we all learn from OPM (Other People’s Mistakes) and behave more consciously.

I was fascinated with the concepts of many leadership gurus. I came across Simon Sinek Inc. from 2012, and loved his WHY. Once people understand the WHY, they will do the right thing and follow good procedures, as long as it works for them.

The first beneficiary of loss prevention is none other than the seafarer on board or the front line worker in any industry as they are the ones who gets hurt first, when things go wrong, and not CFO or others who have their eyes peeled on the bottom line and work in a non- industrial scene.

This is what people need to be convinced of for implementing loss prevention. The WHY of every single action we ask people to do.

Used to present and talk about the various goodies on leadership in the Officers training seminars to transform the seafarers to leaders on the fleet of Pacific Basin Shipping Limited, multiply leadership at all levels and make the company achieve phenomenal success. In turn, the bottom line also gets better when the employees of the companies understand the WHY of HOW and WHAT what they do.

I concur with Simon Sinek, that when people get up each day and are energised with the WHY of what they do, they don’t feel that they are working. but playing their passionate game.

That’s what passion can do and make - Thank God it’s Friday- obsolete. When we find our WHY and work on it, we enjoy what we do and don’t feel that we are doing work.

After all, if our dearest one need to have a heart surgery, would we chose a doctor who is passionate of the work or who is working focused on the clock?

Or if we are flying, do we want to fly with a pilot who is passionate of flying or who is moaning about the workload and commanding your flight? See what the pilot of Ryan Air, flying to Portugal did. They can only do such miracles and avoid loss of lives in flight with Passion to Perform or Passionate of What they Do.

This talk is all about experienced people making more mistakes as they tend to lower their guard and take unsafe shortcuts knowingly, without perceiving the risks of their actions.

We love to think, accidents won’t happen to me. When experienced people get complacent, and blind to perceive risks, they pose an issue for themselves and others.

I would love to hear your views and we can learn from each other.